Influenced Safety Welcomes You

Those who are successful within the safety profession have a genuine concern for people, effective communication and thick skin. I have learned a lot developing a thicker skin by not taking things so personally, being in the moment (even at work), the continuous process of actively engaging with those around me, and things take time!

For working in a field I have never given any thought to, it has been rewarding learning  career skills which help me to be a better servant leader both at work and in my personal life. 


Reminiscing on College

Taking full advantage of attending the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater’s Occupational Safety program has set up many safety professionals for success, including myself. I highly recommend checking out UWW’s Occupational Safety Degree.

Do What You Love, Love What You Do



University of Wisconsin Whitewater Occupational Safety Major
2018 Bachelor of Science Occupational Safety Environmental Management Emphasis